Award Winning Baby Scan Facility Four Years Running 2021-2024 - South West England & GHP Healthcare Dedication Excellence.


Why invest in a gender scan?

Why invest in a gender scan?

Do you want to know the sex of your unborn child?

Most people fall firmly in the yes or no camp, with some preferring the surprise element and others keen to know. Here at Early Life, we think that finding out in advance of the birth is well worth the investment.

If you’re wondering about the benefits of having a gender scan, we’ve rounded up the top reasons here:

  1. Bond with your baby

Some couples report that having a gender scan enhances the bonding process between them and their little bundle of joy. Suddenly, they can pick a name, start buying gender specific clothes and imagine exactly how the baby will fit into their existing family.

At Early Life, we ensure that each gender scan enhances the bonding process by offering a relaxed and informal atmosphere, with added extras like 4D viewing.

  1. Prepare the nursery

From wall colour and pictures to curtains, rugs and furniture, planning and decorating your child’s nursery is often reported to be one of the most exciting pre-baby activities. If you’re not going for a gender-neutral look, a gender scan can give you the knowledge you need to plan and decorate an appropriate nursery.

  1. Satisfy your need to know

The beauty of life is that we are all different. While some of us can wait until the birth to find out the sex of our baby, others of us like to be armed with every little detail. Our gender scans can be performed from 16 weeks, so if you’re itching to know and don’t want to wait for your 20-week scan, you can satisfy your need to know a month in advance.

  1. Your 20-week scan couldn’t tell you the sex

The primary reason for a 20-week NHS scan is to check the health and wellbeing of your baby. During this scan, you may not always be able to tell whether you’re having a boy or a girl. If you want to find out the sex of your child, this can be very disappointing. While the NHS doesn’t rescan solely to find out gender, having a private gender scan can give you the answer you need. Here at Early Life, if we can’t tell when you come in, we’ll rescan on another day, free of charge.

  1. You can go clothes shopping!

There are many beautiful gender-neutral pieces of clothing around these days. However, knowing the gender of your baby means that if you want to, you can go and buy those cute little dresses or funky flat caps and slacks.  

We offer three gender scan packages starting at £45, including: a Basic Gender scan, a 3D Gender Package, and a Gender Plus Package. To book yours in or to find out more information, please call our Cheltenham-based scanning centre on: 01242 300810 or email us here.

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