Award Winning Baby Scan Facility Four Years Running 2021-2024 - South West England & GHP Healthcare Dedication Excellence.


Stunning 4D Scans - When Babies Pose!

Stunning 4D Scans - When Babies Pose!

So, we’ve talked about 4D scan fails and what we can do when it doesn’t work, but what about when it does work?

Most of the time 4D scans work really well at the first scan appointment and the images that we are able to produce are simply stunning. Here's what it looks like when it really works.

Some of the images here are the usual 4D scan images (the sepia orangey colour) and some of them are in HD live (the pink more realistic images). Most clinics charge for the HD live but at Early Life Ultrasound Centre in Cheltenham, they form part of all of our 4D scan packages. As you can see the technology that now have access to in 2018 is pretty amazing...I wonder what amazing 4D scan technology will be around in 10 years time! 




These are some beautiful images but what happens when babies don't pose?

Take a look here

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